郑春阳 | |
职 称:副教授 | |
学历学位:博士研究生 | |
学科专业:无机化学 | |
研究方向:功能分子材料 | |
联系方式:cyzheng@hbnu.edu.cn | |
办公室/实验室:化学大楼H501 |
| 个人简介
主要从事应用化学专业教学与精细化工及功能分子材料方向研究工作。主持湖北省教育厅和横向课题项目等4项科研项目。以第一作者及通讯作者在Inorganic Chemistry、Dalton Transaction、CrystEngComm、Structural Chemistry、Mendeleev Communications等期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇。
| 教学及人才培养
1. 主讲《精细化工工艺学》《化工设备基础》《精细化工实验》等本科生课程
2. 承担本科生学位论文及综合化学实验指导工作
3. 担任应用化学、无机化学学科研究生导师
| 主要科研课题
1. 主持:湖北省教育厅科学研究计划项目(B2017141),2016-2018年
2. 参研:国家自然科学基面上项目(21471063),组合外界物理激励室温控磁双稳态研究,2014-2017年
3. 参研:湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划(T201810),2018-2021年
| 代表性论文论著
1. Chaoxiong Li, Xuancheng Sun, Xianggao Meng*, Dunjia Wang and Chunyang Zheng*, A water stable and highly fluorescent Zn(II) based metal–organic framework for fast detection of Hg2+, CrVI, and antibiotics, Dalton Transactions, 2023, 52, 7611-7619.
2. Chaoxiong Li, Xuancheng Sun, Xianggao Meng*, Dunjia Wang and Chunyang Zheng*, Construction of ZnII/CdII-CPs and their fluorescent detection for Fe3+, Cr2O72- and TNP in water via luminescence quenching.CrystEngComm, 2023, 25, 2728-2738
3. Xuancheng Sun, Chaoxiong Li, Xianggao Meng*, Dunjia Wang and Chunyang Zheng*, A highly thermal and pH-stable fluorescence sensor for rapid detection of Hg2+, Fe3+, and tetracycline in aqueous solutions, CrystEngComm, 2023, 25, 4531-4538.
4. Shuwen Jia, Lingyue Fan, Chunyang Zheng*, Sai Jin and Dongfeng Li*,Mixed-valence {FeII2FeIII4} hexanuclear complexes with thermally induced Fe(III) spin-crossover behavior, Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51, 12968-12974.
5. Hongqiao Wang, Nan Wu, Jing Zheng, Chunyang Zheng*, Dunjia Wang, Synthesis and structures of two mononuclear iron(II) complexes derived from polypyridine ligands. Mendeleev Communications, 2020, 30, 100-102.
6. Chunyang Zheng, Shuwen Jia, Yubao Dong, Juping Xu, Huanhuan Sui, Feng Wang, Dongfeng Li*, Symmetry breaking and two-step spin crossover behaviour in two cyano-bridged mixed-valence {FeIII(μ-CN)4FeII} clusters. Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 14316-14324.
7. Chunyang Zheng*, Xuecheng Hu and Qin Tao, Synthesis, structures and magnetic properties of two iron(II) tris(pyridyl)phosphine sulfide complexes,Mendeleev Communications, 2018, 28, 208-210.
8. Xuecheng Hu, Tingquan Sun, Chunyang Zheng*,Synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of two iron (II) tris(pyridyl)phosphine selenides complexes, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements. 2018, 193, 300-305.
9. Chunyang Zheng, Juping Xu, Feng Wang, Jun Tao, Dongfeng Li*, Spin crossover and reversible single-crystal to single-crystal transformation behaviour in twocyanide-bridged mixed-valence {FeIII2FeII2} clusters. Dalton Transaction,2016. 45, 17254-17263.
10. Chunyang Zheng, Juping Xu, Zhixin Yang, Jun Tao, Dongfeng Li*, Factors impacting electron transfer in cyano-bridged {Fe2Co2} clusters. Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54, 9687-9689.
| 主要荣誉及获奖
1. 2023年党员示范岗,中共黄石市教育工委,2023.06