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主要从事表面催化反应机理的理论研究工作,涉及高性能原子级分散催化剂的结构设计、催化剂构效关系的探索以及单原子催化剂催化CO氧化的反应机理等方面的工作。Inorganic Chemistry FrontiersPhysical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsJournal of Physical Chemistry C等国际刊物上发表SCI收录科研论文6

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1. 主讲《结构化学》《计算机化学物理化学实验》等本科生课程

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1. 主持bv伟德国际体育官网引进人才科研启动基金项目2024-2026

|  代表性论文论著 

1. Rufang Zhao, Fuqiang Zhou, Wenhua Xu, Jinfeng Li, Chaochao Li, Jianli Li, Bing Yin*. Superhalogen-based composite with strong acidity a crossing point between two topics. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5(11), 2934-2947. (中科院1, IF: 7.8, SCI被引18)

2. Rufang Zhao, Yang Wang*. High-performance single-atom catalysts for CO oxidation: the importance of hydrogen bonds and adsorption strength of the reactant. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125(29), 15987-15993. (中科院2, IF: 4.2)

3. Rufang Zhao, Le Yu, Fuqiang Zhou, Jinfeng Li, Bing Yin*. Could the increased structural versatility imposed by non-halogen ligands bring something new for polynuclear superhalogens? A case study on binuclear [Mg2L5]- (L = –OH, –OOH and –OF) anions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 26986. (中科院2, IF: 3.9, SCI被引17)

4. Rufang Zhao, Yang Wang*. Revisiting the mechanism of highly efficient CO oxidation by single iron atom catalysis on Pt(100). Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31, 103609. (中科院3, IF: 3.7)

5. Jinfeng Li1, Rufang Zhao1, Xuting Chai, Fuqiang Zhou, Chaochao Li, Jianli Li, Bing Yin*. Why do higher VDEs of superhalogen not ensure improved stabilities of the noble gas hydrides promoted by them? A high-level ab initio case study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 149(6), 064301. (中科院2, IF: 4.3, SCI被引9)

6. Fuqiang Zhou‡, Rufang Zhao‡, Jinfeng Li, Wenhua Xu*, Chaochao Li, Lan Luo, Jianli Li, Bing Yin*. Constructing organic superacids from superhalogens is a rational route as verified by DFT calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21(5), 2804-2815. (中科院2, IF: 3.9, SCI被引15)

7. Jun Hu, Rufang Zhao, Haitao Li*, Zhilong Xu, Han Dai, Hua Gao, Hongjian Yu, Ziyao Wang, Yang Wang, Yan Liu, Jie Han*, Rong Guo. Boosting visible light photocatalysis in an Au@TiO2 yolk-in-shell nanohybrid. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , 2022, 303, 120869. (中科院1, IF: 19.5)

8. Zhijun Li*, Xiaowen Lu, Rufang Zhao, Siqi Ji, Mingyang Zhang, J. Hugh Horton, Yang Wang*, Qian Xu*, and Junfa Zhu, A Heterogeneous Single Atom Cobalt Catalyst for Highly Efficient Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Coupling Reactions. Small, 2023, e2207941. (中科院1, IF: 15.2)

9. Jinfeng Li, Rufang Zhao, Fuqiang Zhou, Mengyao She, Jun Zhang, Bing Yin*, Shengyong Zhang, Jianli Li*. Exploring the necessity of an acidic additive for Pd(II)-catalyzed exclusive C4-fluoroalkylation of 3-acetylindole: a detailed DFT study on the mechanism and regioselectivity. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6(15), 2607-2618. (中科院1, IF: 5.5)


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